Notion is an app for managing work and personal files. It can replace several popular tools at once, including Evernote, Trello and Google Docs.

What is Notion

Notion is an application with a wide range of possibilities. According to the developers’ plan, it should save users from the need to work in different programs.

It often happens like this: notes are in one place, necessary links – in another, and tasks – in a third. As a result, you have to switch between tools, folders on your computer and many tabs in your browser. This is not always convenient and time-consuming.

It seems easier to combine everything in one interface and not be distracted by searching for some file or project. That’s exactly what Notion does: everything you need is always at your fingertips in one place.

Here’s what you can do in Notion:

  • take notes and work with documents;
  • collect knowledge bases;
  • manage tasks and projects;
  • store databases and maintain spreadsheets;
  • save links from your browser.

Because Notion is a flexible tool, you can use it to run almost any kind of business, whether it’s a team effort to launch a new product or a gardening schedule.

How it works

Notion is like a multifunctional notebook, each page of which can be organized as you like. Unlike its paper counterpart, where you can only write and draw, Notion’s capabilities are much wider.

In addition to just text, you can add almost anything to a page here: video, audio, codes, tables, and 30+ more content options. This makes it easy to collect everything relevant to the task on a single sheet.

Pages themselves can be grouped, moved, and linked together. The result is an organized workspace that holds everything you want to keep in focus.